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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Basic of Electricity

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Who invented the electricity? , where does the electricity come from?
 This type of question disturbs you a lot even if you are not a science student. Lets clear the doubt, we will start with the basic.

Electric Charge:

Atoms are made up of electron, proton and neutrons. When an atom has more electron than proton it is negatively charged and when the proton is more, it is positively charged. When both electron and proton are in same in number it is said to be electrically neutral.
electrostatic charge,electric charge,positive AND NEGATIVE CHARGE
When two like charge or unlike charge place together They produce the electrostatic force between them.
These charges experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field.
The amount of charge in one electron. is 1.6×10−19 C and One coulomb of charge is approximately equal to 6.24×1018 .

Electric current:

Many students think electric current is just only the flow of charged particles but it is not the complete definition. Electric current is the moving of charged particles per unit time.
Current is not a thing that was invented it is a natural force which is present in nature in pure form.
There will never be a shortage of electricity in the world but we didn't have sufficient storage material to store the electricity for a longer time.

In June 1952, Benjamin Franklin was the first man who connection between lightning and electric current by flying a kite, lightning is only an electrical discharge.
Benjamin kite experiment

Type Email:

The kite with an iron point on the top and key at the end of the rope, the iron at the top of the kite is pointed to make resistive less path for current to flow through the iron point and currently comes down through the rope. He concluded that the lightning is the discharge of electric current and consist of positive and negative charges particle.                                                                                              

In 1880, Thomas Edison was the first man who supplies Dc electric current to every home starting with the street light. At the same time, Nikola Tesla came up with Ac current which has more advantage than the Dc current and wins the war of current, from that time Ac current is preferred.

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Friday, February 1, 2019

Google+:Rise and Fall😢😢

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Google plus which was launch on 28 June 2011 as a social networking site operated by the google.
It was created by Vic GundotraBradley Horowitz in Javascript.

vic gundotra
Vic Gundotra

It becomes quite famous, the community portal is the best in the google plus, where a user joins together to talk or research about one topic.

Bradley Horowitz
Bradley Horowitz
If u are sitting in the USA, you will get the current news or Reseach of others country in your related community which you will not get in daily newspapers.
 In November 2015, there is a change in the design to make it simpler, faster for the user to connect Google+ easily and new features like community and collection were added which become very famous among the user. Educational, News and many communities were created by the user, where people all around the world gather together to share their views on a specific topic. We can join as many as communities. Google+ may lack behind the facebook but many educational article and news were shared on google plus first. Notification widget on google chrome will disappear on 7 March 2019.

 Blogger prefers Google+ to share their views or articles more than facebook.

Articles on Google+ can be shared all over the world but on Facebook, it can only be shared among friends. Users can download their pictures from their account before April otherwise there will be deleted.

Everyone gonna misses their Google+ account and community. The friend circle we created there, will gonna be with us again.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Hubble telescope

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Have you ever wondered by seeing pictures of another galaxy in your phone or books, How these pictures are captured or taken?

These pictures are taken by the telescopes with are orbiting our planet 24*7 all day, all night at           5 miles/sec searching for the new galaxy and planets, searching for a new possibility for a new home planet. Today I will tell you about the Hubble telescope.
Hubble telescope,telescope
Edwin P, Hubble, he was the first man who said that there are more galaxies in our universe.H e also gave the Hubble's law which states that the universe is expanding.
Edward Hubble,Hubble Telescope
Hubble Telescope was launch on 24 April 1990, orbiting in the low Earth orbit. It was named on American Astronomer

Hubble is placed in the Earth orbit above the Clouds so that Hubble telescope has a clear image of the outer space, his eye doesn't get distorted by earth atmosphere or clouds. The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland is observing the telescope from the ground.

Hubble has a 2.4m mirror and has four main components for the observation of ultraviolet, visible and infrared region. It is powered by the solar plate rated 2800watts.

Five servicing mission has fled up to the telescope to upgrade or remove the faulty parts of the telescope, the first mission was in 1993 and last in 2009 until 2019. Now, no more servicing mission will be sent to the Hubble telescope because Nasa is developing a new telescope name James Webb space telescope which will be launch in 2021, more powerful than the Hubble.

Hope u like it, for any suggestion please comment in the comment box.

Monday, January 28, 2019

History and Basics of C programming

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C is a very useful and widely used programming language all over the world. It is basically the first programming language which gets so much attention and used by many of the programmers from the starting. It gets is the name 'C' because two programming language ie 'A' and 'B' has been developed before its launch, it is the modified version of both these languages, 'C' was developed by
Dennis M. Ritchie in 1972 and first implemented on DEC PDP-11 computer to develop the UNIX operating system.

                                                                 Dennis M.Ritchie

Many of you were thinking what is a programming language?
A programming language is a set of commands to instruct the computer to perform a task. The commands are known as 'code', these codes are then converted into the machine language by the compiler. A compiler is application software which converts the high-level language into a low-level /machine language.

Header file
A header file is a file with extension .h which is used to define the functions that are already stored in the preprocessor file. We don't have to write the whole code to execute that function, we can execute that function by writing the header file at the top.
For ex: #include <stdio.h> (standard input/output) is responsible for taking input by the user and output at the screen.
#include <stdlib>(standard library) is responsible for function which involving memory location,process control and conversion.

Whenever we compile the program your compiler search for the "main()" function which is the entry of every programming code. int is used before the main function which tells the datatype and at the end, we end with the return0 which is the termination of the program.

Printf & Scanf
Printf is the function in stdlib to display the output in the screen. To print a number we need a
 place holder(%d) which is in quotation mark which stores the output.
For example printf("%d", integer); we need to place a semicolon at the end of the line. The compiler reads the  ";" semicolon as the line terminator.
For printing Decimal, we use "f" in place of "d" with the percentage sign and "s".to add the text.

If you want to add multiple integers, place multiple place holder.
printf("%d  %d  %d",32,56,98);

Scanf is used to take the input from the user.
scanf("%d". &number);
& is used as a simple way to pass the pointer to the store value.


int main()
printf("hello world");
return 0;

this is the first c program to print' hello world'.

If you any doubt comment in the comment section.
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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Electricity:Save it for future

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Thomas Edison was the man behind the spreading of electricity all over the world by inventing the incandescent light bulb. Before the invention of bulb, electricity was worthless for a common people.
He was the man who brings light to every home by laying down the electric lightening system.

But now after a century, we are wasting electricity, using electricity too much has many side effects to our environment and for us. The powerplant has to burn more fossil fuel that emits more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere if u  just let down:

  • The switch on of light and fan when there is no one in the room.
  • Using of high watt bulb or more bulbs in a small room just make the room more brighten.
  • Washing of laundry in hot water
  • Increasing the brightness of laptop and mobile, which consumes power rapidly.
  • Leaving the fully charge mobile attached to its charger.
We can do small stuff to reduce the excessive use of electricity, we don't do that because it takes some efforts.

  • By using the solar heater in place of water geyser, it takes time to heat but it will be helpful to our environment.
  • Using the laptop and mobile for entertaining purpose, we can take a walk or talk with our friends and family for entertainment.
  • Wear warm clothes in winter instead of increasing the temperature of the room heater.
  • Close the door and cover the window while using the air conditioner.
The environmental effect of overusing the electricity may increase the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere. By building more powerplant Risk of climate change increases and it not only affects the human being, but also the animals and natural resources around us. We knew all the stuff that is harmful to our environment but we don't that because of the little efforts and hard work. Make a little effort to save our world just by consuming less electricity, it is a small step but it can make a big change in our climate.

What are your steps to save the electricity.write down in the comment section?

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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Amazon Echo -Changing future of speaker


Amazon Echo is not just a cylindrical who listen to your command and responds to it. It is a smart intelligent speaker which will be in every home in the world within in a few years. Every home feels the requirement of such a smart speaker like Amazon Echo.

On 23 June 2015, Amazon launch th amazon Echo only to the prime member and after a year on      28 September, 2016 is available for the rest of the world. It is a voice control smart speaker with Bluetooth and wifi connectivity. It is 9.5 inches tall cylindrical speaker with 7 piece microphone, ARM Cortex-A8 processor,256 Mb of LPDDR1 RAM and 4Gb of storage space.
Amazon Echo,Future Speaker

Alexa is a voice assistant who responds to your commands in a sweet voice. You simply sit on the sofa and commands to Alexa for setting an alarm to searching the web to answer your question and play your favourite music.

 Alexa have the ability to turn the devices on and off. All you need is a smart bulb and plug which can be controlled with your voice which is very useful to those who kept the device on after using it. It is useful in saving the electricity which nowadays is a very serious problem for the planet Earth.

Hope you it.share your veiws in comments
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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Why India uses 50 Hz Electric supply frequency and USA choose 60 Hz?

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The use of 60 Hz frequency in the USA is because of Nikola Tesla. Tesla demonstrated the benefits of AC and power distribution. He had done the analysis and figured out that 60 Hz at 220 V was the most efficient means because of the arc lamp. Arc lamp was used at that time and they flicker more when used below 60 Hz frequency so he prefers 60 Hz frequency supply and from that time USA is using 60 HZ frequency supply. 

In England, the engineer prefers 50 Hz supply over 60 Hz because of the several advantages:

  • At 50 Hz, eddy current losses and iron losses decrease.
  • The radius of the conductor decrease.

England starts using 50 Hz of the frequency power supply.
In India, the first hydropower plant was made at Darjeeling named Sidrapong Hydroelectric Power Station in 1897 when India was ruled by the British. The plant works on 50 Hz and has a capacity of 130 KW. They were using 50 Hz frequency supply in England so In India, they also built the power plant of 50 Hz frequency supply.

60Hz power supply switches polarity 20% faster than a 50Hz supply, When motor rated for 50Hz, is supplied by the 60 Hz electric current it runs 20% faster.

I hope you love this article, for any query please comment.
For Basic Information of Electricity