Why India uses 50 Hz Electric supply frequency and USA choose 60 Hz?

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Why India uses 50 Hz Electric supply frequency and USA choose 60 Hz?

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The use of 60 Hz frequency in the USA is because of Nikola Tesla. Tesla demonstrated the benefits of AC and power distribution. He had done the analysis and figured out that 60 Hz at 220 V was the most efficient means because of the arc lamp. Arc lamp was used at that time and they flicker more when used below 60 Hz frequency so he prefers 60 Hz frequency supply and from that time USA is using 60 HZ frequency supply. 

In England, the engineer prefers 50 Hz supply over 60 Hz because of the several advantages:

  • At 50 Hz, eddy current losses and iron losses decrease.
  • The radius of the conductor decrease.

England starts using 50 Hz of the frequency power supply.
In India, the first hydropower plant was made at Darjeeling named Sidrapong Hydroelectric Power Station in 1897 when India was ruled by the British. The plant works on 50 Hz and has a capacity of 130 KW. They were using 50 Hz frequency supply in England so In India, they also built the power plant of 50 Hz frequency supply.

60Hz power supply switches polarity 20% faster than a 50Hz supply, When motor rated for 50Hz, is supplied by the 60 Hz electric current it runs 20% faster.

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For Basic Information of Electricity

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