Basic of Electricity

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Basic of Electricity

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Who invented the electricity? , where does the electricity come from?
 This type of question disturbs you a lot even if you are not a science student. Lets clear the doubt, we will start with the basic.

Electric Charge:

Atoms are made up of electron, proton and neutrons. When an atom has more electron than proton it is negatively charged and when the proton is more, it is positively charged. When both electron and proton are in same in number it is said to be electrically neutral.
electrostatic charge,electric charge,positive AND NEGATIVE CHARGE
When two like charge or unlike charge place together They produce the electrostatic force between them.
These charges experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field.
The amount of charge in one electron. is 1.6×10−19 C and One coulomb of charge is approximately equal to 6.24×1018 .

Electric current:

Many students think electric current is just only the flow of charged particles but it is not the complete definition. Electric current is the moving of charged particles per unit time.
Current is not a thing that was invented it is a natural force which is present in nature in pure form.
There will never be a shortage of electricity in the world but we didn't have sufficient storage material to store the electricity for a longer time.

In June 1952, Benjamin Franklin was the first man who connection between lightning and electric current by flying a kite, lightning is only an electrical discharge.
Benjamin kite experiment

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The kite with an iron point on the top and key at the end of the rope, the iron at the top of the kite is pointed to make resistive less path for current to flow through the iron point and currently comes down through the rope. He concluded that the lightning is the discharge of electric current and consist of positive and negative charges particle.                                                                                              

In 1880, Thomas Edison was the first man who supplies Dc electric current to every home starting with the street light. At the same time, Nikola Tesla came up with Ac current which has more advantage than the Dc current and wins the war of current, from that time Ac current is preferred.

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