Dc Motor

Electrical and Electronic Concepts

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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dc Motor

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A Electrical Machine which changes the electrical energy into mechanical energy is called Motor.
On the basis of electrical supply .They are of two types:

Dc Motor

  • Dc Motor is run by Dc Source and covert Dc electrical energy into mechanical energy.
  • When a current carrying conductor is placed on a magnetic field, it will experience a force which can be determined by Fleming's Left Hand Rule.
  • Dc Motor are subdivided into different category by changing the connection of armature winding and fielding winding.


  • The Outer Frame/Yoke is a hollow cylinder of cast iron or unlaminated  ferromagnetic material and protecting cover to the machine.
  • Yoke is stationary and no flux variation take place ,hence no iron loses. So, no need of lamination required.
  • It provides mechanical support and path for the pole flux and carry half of the magnetic field flux and other half by the armature core.                   
Field Pole:
  • Field core consist of pole core and pole shoe and made up sheet steel lamination's that are insulated from each other to reduce eddy-current losses.
  • Pole shoe are fixed to the pole core appropriately having a curved surface towards center.It supports the field coils and increase the cross section area of the magnetic circuit and reduces its reluctance.
  • Each pole has one or more field coil to produce magnetic field.
  • It consists of a shaft upon which a laminated cylinder is mounted.The armature core has grooves or slots on its outer surface.
  • Armature conductor is located on this slots.The connected arrangement of conductors is armature winding.
  • Armature core provides the low reluctance path for the magnetic field.It is made up of thick lamination of silicon steel to reduce the eddy-current losses.

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