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Rotor of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor

Friday, September 25, 2020

Load Factor

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 Load Factor

Load factor is define as average power consumption over a period to the peak power consumption over the same period. Load factor is very important in determining the generation of  cost per unit. Higher the load factor , lesser is the generation cost.

Load factor is calculated:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly 
  • Yearly
Load factor must always be less than one. We should never use all the equipment's of our house simultaneously. If one high power equipment is running ,we should not turn on the second equipment, wait and turn on the the other equipment's when the first work is finished.  

This will improve the load factor and giving us the low generating power cost

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Rotor of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor

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Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 

In Squirrel Cage Induction  Motor, the rotor conductor are permanently shorted by the Aluminum /Copper ring called the end ring forming a complete closed circuit like squirrel cage , That's why it is known as Squirrel Cage Induction  Motor



The rotor is in cylindrical in shape. It consists of  two rings which are permanently shorted with each others by parallel  aluminum bars which are a slightly skewed to prevent the magnetic locking of the stator and the rotor teeth, makes the working of motor more smooth and quiet. Rotor resistance is very small and as the bars of the rotor is permanently shorted, no external resistance can be added.

Rotor Of Induction Motor

Insulated iron core lamination are inserted in squirrel cage rotor to aid the current loss in the rotor bars.

I hope you love this article, for any query please comment.
For Basic Information of Electricity

Single Phase Induction Motor

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Single Phase Induction Motor 

The single phase induction motor is Classified into 4 motor 
  1. Split Phase Induction Motor
  2. Capacitor Start Induction Motor
  3. Capacitor Start Capacitor Run Induction Motor
  4. Shaded Pole Induction Motor

                                  Split Phase Induction Motor

The stator has two winding i.e Main winding/Running winding and Auxiliary winding/Starting winding. A centrifugal switch is connected in series with the auxiliary winding,to disconnect the auxiliary winding from the main winding when the motor achieves a speed of 70-80% of synchronous speed.


Auxiliary winding is 90 Degree in phase with the main winding.The running winding  is inductive in nature that means current lags the voltage by an angle and the auxiliary winding is resistive in nature that means the current and voltage are in phase with each other.
To create a phase difference between 2 winding the starting winding must carry high resistance.
The result of these 2 current i.e Itotal  which produces the rotating magnetic field which rotates in one direction.

As the starting and main current splits from each other by some angle hence this motor is called Split Phase Induction Motor 


  • Motor have low starting Current
  • Motor have low starting Torque
  • Motor are used in fans, blowers, centrifugal pumps 

Application Of Single Phase Motors:

Shaded Pole induction motor are available to run with speed as low as one r.p.m.

Universal Motor/Single Phase Series Motor is used for the purpose of high speed and speed control is required. such as vacuum cleaners, drill machines. 

Test on Dc Motor

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Swinburne Test

This test is used to determine the efficiency, losses and temperature ries on the dc machines. This test is perform on the large shunt dc machines. 

Hopkinson Test

This test is perform with the help of two shunt machine.   Both  machine are couplled together mechanically and electrically. 
One act as a motor and other as a generator. The output of the motor is connected to the input of the generator and output of the generator connected to the input of the motor.